
Monday, December 6, 2010

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear

Interesting week interesting progress and great opportunities. I've been good with my walk notwithstanding it has been rainning practically everyday. My body aches, and this is suppose to be good. I drink plenty of water and eat some fruits. Fruits is my weakness, aside from banana, other fruits is hard to swollow.
My nephew broke his arm on saturday night during his silat (Malay martial art) exercise. So he has to admitted. The plus point is that the Kuala Lumpur Hospital's car park is so far, I think about 200 metre one way. I visited him on sunday evening with a promised that I will buy him some pizza. With throw pillow in one hand and other stuffs in the other, I walked to his ward and upon reaching the his bed and rearranging his side table that I realised that I had forgotten his pizza and sausage rolls. oh my, what a walk I walked that day.
My observation of the week : Find ways, and it will present itself in a very unassuming way, like the saying in the Chinese proverb: When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

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