
Friday, June 21, 2013

Wedding @ CAC IIUM, Gombak, Selangor

the pengantin at their elaborate dining table
with multi layer wedding cake to boot!

Here we go again...another wedding reception.. Something old, something new, something borrowed something blue, wedding traditions that aren't ours! However, a traditional Malay wedding goes beyond old and new, borrowed or blue. Usually, there is the pelamin (wedding dais) where the pengantin will be seating and close family and friends will bless them with fragrant water (usually rose water) and a token of bunga telor will be given to them. But of late, some pengantin omit this part as being paraded for all to see, but instead seated at   a table with simple or elaborate decorations facing their guests. 

On Sunday, 16th June, I attended another wedding reception at the CAC (Cultural Activities Center), International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak celebrating the wedding reception of one of DSLP's coursemate wedding. (This is one of the 'Upin n Ipin' girls I blog about last year.) She is simply sweet in her yellowish wedding dress and her happiness simply glow upon her face holding tight to the red wedding flower bouquets.
the long and food laden buffet counter
The array of food were simply breathtaking. The mandatory bryani rice which were cooked to perfection, and loads and loads of accompanying dishes with the ulam-ulam and sambal belacan too! I nearly shocked myself with the thought of having second helpings, but the Teh Tarik and Bubur Pulut Hitam (Black Glutinous Rice Porridge) save the day! The Teh Tarik were simply delicious with just the right amount of tea and creamer, it is as if they were individually made glass by glass and not from the large beverage dispenser!

my fav Teh Tarik  n
Pak Tam Bubur Pulut Hitam
The door gift were simply girly, just like the bride. It contain some cookies and pickled fruits.Of course, yours truly would love to have the traditional bunga telor but that was not meant to be. As in my last posting, this bunga telor traditions is fast losing it allure and place in Malay wedding, being replaced with a modern goodies for want of time. 

girly door gift, just like the bride

Thank you Alia (and Aisyah) for inviting me to your wedding reception. It was nice to be part of your celebration. My prayer for your good fortune and prosperity  and of course for the pengantin my du'a and hope that soon little pitter patters of feet will dot your life. 

p/s comment from the pengantin: '"There was bunga telur though. It was used as deco for the 'photo booth' we gave them away towards the end". 

I must have missed them in my over zealous adventure at the buffet counter!

ribbons and pearls

**Traditionally, the door gift were bunga telor (telor=egg/ bunga=flower), that is single floral arrangement with a hard boiled egg attached/glued to it 
**bunga telor - hardboiled egg attached to a stick of single floral arrangement

sans pengantin


  1. Thank you... as you know I blog about food, but the wedding was simply beautiful for me to pass...
